Women have a right to breastfeed anywhere, anytime.
Help us make Australia more BreastFeeding Friendly
A mum's right to breastfeed in public is protected by Australian law. Yet the reality is that many mums are still met with judgement, criticism and discomfort when breastfeeding or breast pumping in public spaces.
We led a survey to better understand the impact of this issue and the message was clear: Australian women need more BreastFeeding Friendly spaces.
Become a BFF space and help us protect a mum's right to breastfeed or breast pump wherever they need to. Together, we can empower new mums to feel comfortable and safe when performing one of life's greatest miracles.
A mum's right to breastfeed in public is protected by Australian law. Yet the reality is that many mums are still met with judgement, criticism and discomfort when breastfeeding or breast pumping in public spaces.
We led a survey to better understand the impact of this issue and the message was clear: Australian women need more BreastFeeding Friendly spaces.
Help us make Australia more BreastFeeding Friendly
Join our movementBecome a BFF space and help us protect a mum's right to breastfeed or breast pump wherever they need to. Together, we can empower new mums to feel comfortable and safe when performing one of life's greatest miracles.

The movement
We're calling upon you to pledge your BFF business! Display a window decal to welcome breastfeeding or pumping mums into your judgement-free space. Or you can let your community know you're a BFF business with our social assets, just drop in your logo! Register your business to receive a campaign pack.
Here are some businesses that have joined us so far:

The research
In Australia, breastfeeding is a part of motherhood for the majority of women. We surveyed 332 Aussie mums between the ages of 18-44 who had breastfed in the last 3 years. Here's what we found:
Real stories told by real mothers
What women want to see done differently
We found that the majority of mums want to be able to breastfeed in public, peacefully and without criticism.

How to become a BFF space
It is a business or venue that provides a safe, judgement-free space for women to breastfeed or breast pump in public.
Yes, a mother has a right to breastfeed their baby wherever they are. This right is legally supported through the Sex Discrimination Act 1984.
Somewhere that is comfortable, spacious and clean to keep mum and bub as safe as possible.
Yes, a mother can breastfeed anywhere and at any time regardless of food and drinks being served.
Yes, your rights to breast pump are also protected under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984.
Yes, we offer a range of products to support women in their breastfeeding journey including absorbable Breast Pads and soothing Nipple Balm
- PureProfile and Kin Fertility 2023. This study consisted of an online survey conducted between June 26 2023 - July 3 2023. Commissioned by Kin Fertility and undertaken by PureProfile and Kin Fertility. The sample comprised 332 Australian women aged 18 - 44 years who have breastfed in the past 3 years.
- https://internationalbreastfeedingjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13006-023-00545-5
- https://www.breastfeeding.asn.au/resources/breastfeeding-public#:~:text=Yes.,the%20Sex%20Discrimination%20Act%201984