The pill isn't right for everyone — here's why

The pill is one of the safest contraceptions available but that doesn't mean it's the best option for everyone.
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The Pill isn't right for everyone: Here's why | Kin Fertility
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Although most people will take the contraceptive pill with no issues at all, for some of us it’s just not a viable option. There are a few common reasons this form of birth control might disagree with your body, and it’s worth considering them before you start taking it.

So if you've ever wondered, 'Is the pill right for me?', today's article is for you.

5 reasons why the pill might not be right for you

Put simply, the birth control pill works by stopping you from ovulating, meaning there's no egg to be fertilised, as well as changing the consistency of your cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to get through.

This makes it more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy (when used correctly) [1]. But its high effectiveness doesn't necessarily mean the birth control pill is suitable for everyone.

Some reasons why may want to skip it include:

1. You find it hard to take a daily tablet

There are loads of reasons that people find it tricky to take tablets each day. Some women hate taking tablets, and others simply forget.

If that sounds like you, the pill might not be the best option, because in order to be effective, it’s important to take it at the same time every day. That being said, most people get used to the routine of taking a tablet each day.

2. You get migraines

Don’t be fooled into thinking that a mild headache is the same as a migraine. We’re talking about serious migraines with auras that come and go. If you suffer from these kinds of migraines, the pill is probably not the most suitable birth control method for you.

This is because studies have linked the use of combined birth control pills with an increased risk of ischemic stroke (although further research is needed) [2].

Plus, some women find that this medication can make their already unpleasant migraines worse or more frequent [3].

3. You have a history of blood clots

Although the pill doesn’t cause blood clots, they do increase a woman’s risk by about 3-4 times according to blood clot charity, Stop The Clot. ​If you have suffered from blood clots or deep vein thrombosis then the combined pill might not be a good option.

4. You’re on medication that clashes with the pill

Most medications won’t interfere with the pill, but it’s a good idea to find out whether yours does. The main ones that are known to clash include anti-HIV drugs, anti-seizure drugs, and herbal remedies like St John’s Wort.

5. You’ve suffered from health conditions that the pill can worsen

The pill can increase your risk of suffering from some health conditions, like high blood pressure, heart or liver disease, and breast cancer. Chat with a doctor about your risk, and be sure to mention your family's history with any of these conditions.

You should also consider the potential side effects linked with oral contraceptive pills, including breakthrough bleeding, weight gain, breast tenderness or, in rarer cases, mood changes and increased risk of breast cancer.

Once again, your doctor can answer all your questions about these health risks so you can make an informed decision about whether the pill — or any other type of hormonal birth control — is for you.

What alternative birth control methods are there?

When it comes to types of birth control, there are options aplenty. Some are hormonal, others non-hormonal, and all work to prevent pregnancy with different levels of effectiveness.

Our guide to finding the best contraception for you has all the information you need to know about these options, but as a summary, the alternatives to the combined pill include:

Barrier methods

Things like condoms, diaphragms, and caps work to physically stop sperm from reaching and fertilising an egg while also protecting against STIs being passed between sexual partners.

Vaginal ring

The ring is a malleable plastic ring that is placed inside the vagina, typically 2 inches in diameter. Once inside, the ring releases hormones that are absorbed into the vaginal lining. For the best results, the ring must be replaced every month.


Also known as Depo-Provera or Depo-Ralovera, this hormone injection helps to prevent pregnancy using depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), a hormone similar to progesterone.

These injections slowly release DMPA into the body to stop your ovaries from releasing an egg. To ensure full protection, you must receive an injection every 12 weeks.

The patch

This is a small, square bandaid-like path that is placed on the skin and releases estrogen and progestin into the body. To maximise its effectiveness, the patch must be changed weekly.

Implant, or Implanon

This small, flexible rod (similar to the size of a matchstick) is inserted under the skin of the upper arm and slowly releases a progestogen hormone called etonogestrel into the body. This implant can help prevent pregnancy for up to 3 years.

Hormonal IUD

The Mirena IUD is a T-shaped plastic frame that is placed inside the uterus by a doctor or nurse. The IUD disperses a type of hormone called progestin and thickens the mucus in the cervix to prevent sperm from fertilising an egg. In Australia, a Mirena IUD will last 5 years.

Copper IUD

The copper intrauterine contraceptive device (Cu-IUD) can be a way to prevent 99% of pregnancies if fitted by a healthcare professional within 5 days of having unprotected sex.

Tubal ligation

This is a permanent method of contraception, where a woman "gets her tubes tied". During the procedure, a surgeon clips, cuts or removes the fallopian tubes to ensure the egg can't move into the uterus to be fertilised.

Tubal ligation has an effectiveness rate of 99%.


A vasectomy is another permanent birth control method. With this one, surgery is performed on the man to stop the sperm from travelling through the tubes from the testicles to the penis, and it is 99% effective.

Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM)

This means keeping track of the signs of when a woman is most fertile during her menstrual cycle.

It involves paying attention to natural signs like cervical fluid and body temperature and can sometimes involve using fertility tracking apps.

However, this method of contraception has much lower rates of effectiveness in comparison with all other methods.

Emergency contraception

There is also emergency contraception — also known as the morning after pill — but this method should only be used under certain circumstances: for example, if you had unprotected sex and want to protect yourself against pregnancy, if your condom broke during sex, or if you missed your oral contraceptive pill.

Although no birth control method is 100% risk-free, it's important to weigh the pros and cons of each to make a decision that works for you, considering things like each method's effectiveness, convenience, side effects, and what hormones they contain.

When is the pill a good choice?

The pill can be perfect for women looking for a simple, safe, and highly effective method of contraception. In fact, for most people, the pros outweigh the cons.

If you believe the contraceptive pill is the right birth control method for you, Kin's pill subscription can make your life a lot easier.

Through this membership, you can get the pill delivered straight to your door without the hassle of having to head to the doctor's office or the pharmacy. All you need to do is undergo a digital consult and an Aussie practitioner will create a prescription plan just for you. It's that easy!

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