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When should I take a pregnancy test?

The timing for taking a pregnancy test can vary depending on your menstrual cycle and type of test.
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Kaitlyn Wilson
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June 24, 2024
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When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test? | Kin Fertility
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Taking a pregnancy test can bring with it a number of emotions — from excitement to fear and nervousness. Whether you're actively trying to conceive or not, it's normal to have questions about when to take a pregnancy test for the most accurate result possible.

There are many factors to consider, including your menstrual cycle, the type of test you're using, and how long it's been since you had sex.

Let's explore some of the most important things to remember when deciding when to take a pregnancy test.

How do pregnancy tests work?

Pregnancy tests work by detecting the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in a woman's urine.

This is a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. It is found in urine or blood and is commonly used to detect pregnancy. When a fertilised egg implants in the uterus, the body produces hCG. You can detect hCG in urine as early as 10 days after conception.

Most at-home pregnancy tests use a small absorbent strip to collect urine, which is then tested for the presence of hCG.

If the test detects hCG levels above a certain threshold, it will display a positive result, indicating that a woman is likely pregnant.

If the hCG levels are lower, this likely indicates a negative test [1].

How accurate are pregnancy tests?

When used correctly, home pregnancy tests are generally very accurate. Most tests claim to provide over 99% accurate results when used on or after the first day of your missed period.

You're probably wondering if you can get a false negative or false positive pregnancy test and despite most pregnancy tests providing accurate results, mishaps can still occur.

The accuracy of the results can be affected by several factors, including how soon after conception you take the test, the brand of test you use, and whether you follow the instructions correctly.

A false negative can occur if you take the test too early or if you don't collect enough urine for the test to detect hCG. False positives can occur if you have certain medical conditions, or the test is expired or defective.

If you have doubts about your test result or if your symptoms persist, it's always a good idea to follow up with a healthcare provider for the most accurate result [2].

How soon can I take a pregnancy test?

The timing for taking a pregnancy test can vary depending on your menstrual cycle and the type of test you're using. However, most at-home pregnancy tests are generally able to detect hCG in a woman's urine stream as early as 10 days after conception.

This means you can potentially take a test a few days before your expected period and have it return an accurate result.

However, it's essential to keep in mind that the accuracy of the test can be affected by how soon after conception you take it. If you take a test too early and get a negative result, you may still be pregnant, but the hCG levels in your body are not yet high enough to be detected by the test [3].

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

The best time to take a pregnancy test is after you've missed your period. This is typically when your hCG levels will be high enough to be detected by most at-home pregnancy tests.

However, if you have irregular periods or are not sure when your next period is due, you can take a test at least 10 days after you believe you may have conceived.

This will give your body enough time to produce hCG, which the test can detect in your urine. If you take a test too early, you may get a false negative result, which means the test did not see hCG even though you may be pregnant.

Is it best to take a pregnancy test in the morning or at night?

It's generally recommended to take a pregnancy test in the morning when your urine is more concentrated and has higher levels of hCG. This is especially true if you take the test before you've missed your period.

By taking the test in the morning, you'll be more likely to get an accurate result. However, some tests claim to be accurate at any time of day, so it's always a good idea to read the instructions carefully and follow them closely [4].

Signs to take a pregnancy test

There are several signs and symptoms that may indicate you should take a pregnancy test. Here are a few common early signs:

Missed period

If you have a missed period, taking a pregnancy test is a good idea. This is one of the most obvious signs that you may be pregnant.

Nausea and vomiting

Many women experience nausea and vomiting (also known as morning sickness) during early pregnancy. If you are experiencing these symptoms, especially in the morning, it may be time for a pregnancy test.

Breast tenderness

Tender or sore breasts can be a sign of pregnancy as your body prepares for breastfeeding.


Feeling tired or fatigued can be a sign of early pregnancy as your body adjusts to the changes happening in your body.

Cramping and spotting

Some women experience mild cramping and light spotting during early pregnancy, which can be mistaken for the start of their period.

Changes in appetite

You may experience changes in your appetite, such as cravings or aversions to certain foods, which can be one of the early signs of pregnancy.

Remember that other factors can also cause these symptoms, so the only way to know for sure if you're pregnant is to take a pregnancy test and see a healthcare professional [4].

How to take a pregnancy test

While the exact instructions may vary depending on the type and brand of the pregnancy test you're using, here are the general steps for using an at-home pregnancy test.

  1. Read the instructions very carefully before you begin. Make sure you understand how to use the test and how to read the results.
  2. Collect your urine sample. Most pregnancy tests are urine tests that require a sample of your first-morning urine as it is usually the most concentrated. The test kit will provide specific instructions to collect your urine.
  3. Use the test strip. Depending on the test, you may need to dip the test strip into the urine, hold it in the urine stream, or use a dropper to apply urine to the test area.
  4. Wait for the pregnancy test results. Most tests will display results within a few minutes. Read the instructions to see how long you need to wait, and be sure to read the results within the specified time frame.
  5. Interpret the results. The results may be displayed as a line or a symbol, depending on the test. A positive result typically indicates the presence of hCG and means you are likely pregnant, while a negative result means that hCG was not detected and you are most likely not pregnant.

Are there different types of pregnancy tests?

There are 3 main types of at-home pregnancy tests: digital tests, non-digital tests and early detection tests.

  • Digital tests: These tests provide a digital result and are often easier to read than traditional tests.
  • Non-digital tests: These tests use lines or symbols to indicate a positive or negative result.
  • Early detection tests: These tests can detect pregnancy earlier than other tests, sometimes up to 6 days before your missed period.

Kin Fertility's Conceiving Essentials has everything that you need to start your conceiving journey, including ovulation and pregnancy tests.

With a proven accuracy rate of 99%, we’ll help you to take the guesswork out of knowing when to conceive and the accurate and easy-to-use midstream test that detects early pregnancy (within 7 weeks of the last menstrual period).

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